There are 2 routes to take to Ruidosa Ghost Town Inn, here are directions for both, from Marfa.
On Google Maps, get close with a search for Ruidosa, Texas (and make sure it's not going to send you to New Mexico)
It is highly advised you make either drive before dark, there are no streetlights and will be difficult to see landmarks.
This is also open range, watch for stray cattle in roads. During heavy rains roads can flash flood and become difficult to navigate, there is no cell service in this area - be smart:
1) Pinto Canyon Rd. route:
* High Clearance vehicle with good tires and spare tire required for this route *
From Marfa, take HWY 2810 South (Also called S Hoover St in Marfa, it intersects Hwy 90 next to the rock shop, Moonlight Gemstones, on the West side of town).
Take this lonesome paved road approx. 35 miles, it will then become a dirt and gravel road and descend into the canyon.
Drive the dirt/gravel road for approx. 30 more miles, this road will dead end onto HWY 170. Go right at the stop sign on HWY 170 for 100 yds., and you will be at house, blue and yellow one story next to old adobe church ruins.
2) HWY 67 route:
From Marfa take HWY 67 south approx. 59 miles to Presidio, as you approach Presidio go right on HWY 170 heading West.
When you make this turn you will see a sign "Ruidosa 36 miles". Drive the 36 miles to Ruidosa, CAREFUL, this is open range and there will be cattle along and in the road.
When you enter Ruidosa the speed limit slows down, drive approx. 1/2 mile, where the road makes a left curve the house will be in front of you, blue and yellow one-story building.
PDF of the map below